Thursday, June 9, 2011

Only Allies & Enemies !

As a follow up to my previous article: Monarchies, Fiefdoms & Corporate Culture, I think it wise to discuss the role of the Monarch/CEO in relation to his top commandos. And the level of transparency required in those relationships.

And while there has always been a recommended distance between the leadership and the soldiers; this is only because the ego still rules our hearts (via the will to receive), rather than our hearts ruling our egos (via the will to bestow).

Regardless, until our earthly society attains the super-conscious, we cannot operate from the space of total transparency and total vulnerability. We therefore cannot be totally authentic.

However, we can be Honorably Authentic. And this means being as transparent, and as vulnerable, as is humanly possible; but with a purpose of helping others find the truth and joy within themselves (that's the honorable part).

Which means, we must help others, help others, for we are all disrespecting one another, and none of us are taking responsibility for it; but we sure are blaming and condemning one another for it.

Remember, projection is the primary tool for self-realization, so ask yourself how (in a generalized/sponsoring thought kinda way), you, are behaving in the exact same way, as the other. And then use the pain of affliction (change), and burn it as fuel for the journey.

But again, this can only be accomplished within a humanistic framework that embraces the diversely-interdependent spectrum of balance, while embracing the paradoxically-dichotomous quest for joy.

In short, establishing an effective corporate society is about:
1. integrating diversity - with a passionate purpose that serves the greater good
2. synthesizing micro-cultural norms - of the interdependent tribes via a shared mission
3. synergizing the societal values system - with the societal roles and goals
4. realizing the infinite evolvement - of the truly transformative society
5. co-creating peak experiences - while self-actualizing our deepest joys

And this is where the methods of honorable-authenticity, compassionate-confrontation, self-forgiveness, and open-reconciliation... come into play.

For if we do not effectively use these methods as the foundation for our holistic care system (which is the foundation for an effective societal system), then we are destined for a life of revolution, instead of a life in evolution.

And I, for one, have no desire to take another spin on the hamster wheel! So I say we evolve !

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