Monday, August 1, 2011

Creativity matters - and this is why...

Add up all the whole numbers from one to ten. That takes most people 20 seconds. Now add up all the whole numbers from one to 1,000. How long would that take you normally? Yet with a creative idea, you can do that in ten seconds.

The point I am making is that with this exercise you know you need a new idea. In ordinary life there are only a few times when we know we need a new idea.

Most of the time we do not even realise that we could benefit from a new idea. If there is no problem to solve, why do we need a new idea?

There are many uses for creativity:

• Solving a problem that cannot otherwise be solved

• Seeking alternative solutions to a problem that might be quicker, simpler or less expensive

• Finding and developing opportunities

• Simplification of procedures that have grown complex

• Cost-cutting and trimming to save expenses

• Development of new values in products or services

• Different ways of presenting things

In any system that depends on an inflow of information over time, there is an absolute mathematical need for creativity. This is because the sequence of arrival of information produces arrangements that no longer make sense when new information arrives.

Organisations, quite rightly, spend a large amount of money on computers and IT systems. Information is essential. Ideas are also essential. Organisations would probably spend money on a creative computer - if there were such a thing.

It is hard to ask people to focus on continuity and at the same time to embrace change. Continuity means keeping things going as they are going - which is what most organisations are about. So to then ask the same people to embrace the changes of creativity is hard.

Yet valuable creative ideas are always logical in hindsight - so the risk element is not large. They are ideas that are worth doing or at least trying. Difference for the sake of difference is not creativity but ‘crazytivity’.

If you had a choice between adding up all the numbers from one to 1,000 in the normal way or in the 10-second creative way, which would you choose?

The most important thing about creativity is to take it seriously. Why do we not take creativity seriously when we know that much of progress depends on creativity? The first reason is that we do not understand creativity. This has always been a mystery.

We can see the results but do not know how it happened. The second reason is that we do not know what to do about it. We assume that ideas just happen from time to time and there is nothing you can do about it. You can also borrow, copy or steal ideas from others. Most people do not realise that you can use creativity formally and creatively. You can sit down and generate new ideas.

Corporations take finance very seriously. They take legal matters very seriously. They take research very seriously. They do not take creativity seriously at all. In every organisation there is a need for a CCO or Chief Creativity Officer. That is a formal position.

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