Sunday, September 11, 2011

Why you may Never Achieve your Goal to Become a Millionaire

Do you want to be a millionaire? Or you have set the goal to become a millionaire within a certain time frame? Then this article may be just what you need to read at the moment because it will open your eyes to the reality that you may never achieve your goal to become a millionaire.

I recently wrote two detailed articles on how to become a millionaire and how to make a million dollars. Even though I believe the goal to become a millionaire is no longer a challenging goal; I went ahead to write these articles because I know that the goal to make a million dollars is a starting point to a great number of people out there.

A lot of individuals have taken the bold step to set the goal to accumulate a million dollars within a specific time frame and they are pursuing that goal vigorously. Despite the enthusiasm and determination displayed by these potential millionaires, the sad truth is that over 80% will fail to hit the goal. Do you want to know why 80% will fail? Do you want to know how to avoid been part of this 80%? Then read on as I highlight seven reasons why you may never achieve your goal to become a millionaire.

7 reasons why you may never achieve your goal to become a millionaire

1. You are obsessed with the goal
Yes, the first reason why you may never become a millionaire is because you are trying too hard to hit the goal. You’ve allowed your mind to be clouded with the thoughts of making a million dollars without realizing that the goal is not important. More important than your goal to hit a million is the process by which that goal is achieved.

To every worthwhile pursuit in life, there’s a process. Successfully undergoing the process to make a million dollars is more important than the goal itself. Now what if you set the goal to become a millionaire and suddenly, you win a lottery ticket to the tune of a million dollars? You may celebrate your success because you’ve achieved your goal but the problem with achieving that goal is that the process can’t be easily replicated.

The point I am trying to drive home is that the process by which you intend to achieve your goal is actually more important than the goal itself. So I will advice you take your mind off the goal and concentrate on successfully completing the process.

2. You want to become a millionaire overnight
Why do people play the lottery, gamble and speculate on stocks? The answer is this: they are hoping to make a one-time kill; they want to make millions overnight. If you are in the category of people hoping to hit it big overnight, then I am sorry to say that your dream may never come true and that’s the truth.

3. You are using the wrong approach
So you want to become a millionaire? Now the question is: through what process do you intend to achieve that goal? What approach are you using? 100 individuals might be on the same goal with you to make a million dollars but each of these individuals is going to take different paths towards that goal. They may all hit the goal but their approach is what really matters. That’s why I said the process is more important than the goal.

Some people try to make millions of dollars by playing the lottery, others try to hit it big through gambling and the rest may resort to stock speculation. Some may even start a business or go looking for a high paying job. The question again is: what approach are you using. If you resort to playing the lottery, gambling or stock speculation, then your chance of becoming a millionaire is slim and even if you hit the goal; you stand to lose your gains in due time.

4. You are not disciplined
Lack of discipline is another reason why you may never become a millionaire. Most people take the pain to set goals, write plans and establish priorities but they don’t make headway because they lack the discipline to either execute their plan or stay focused on their plan. Don’t make this mistake; focus is key to achieving any goal.

5. You are lazy
Many people dream and fantasize about making millions but only few will lift a finger to do something about their dreams.

“We live by hope; but the reed never becomes an Iroko tree by merely wishing.” – Anonymous

6. You have poor spending habits
One of the obstacles people face when in pursuit of financial goals is that of budget allocation. Most people cannot imagine themselves committing a certain amount of money daily or monthly towards the actualization of their goal. Others just can’t stop spending on impulse and the hard truth is that without proper money management and resource budgeting, you may never achieve your goal to become a millionaire.

7. The goal to become a millionaire is beyond your reality
As a man thinks in his heart, so he is. If you can’t imagine yourself a millionaire, you will never become a millionaire no matter how hard you work. Most people see the goal of making a million dollars repeatedly as an impossibility and unfortunately, they are right in their own perspective.

As final note, I will suggest you retake a critical look at the points above and analyze how any of them may be hindering the realization of your goal. Analyze yourself, make the necessary corrections and I will see you at the top.

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