Sunday, July 10, 2011

Social Networking in Your Small Business

We’ve gone from the chamber of commerce small business mixer to social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. And we’ve learned a lot along the way. How is your social networking going? Let’s review some links below then share your own thoughts on social networking and how it works for your business.


Do you keep a calendar? Keeping up your social media networking is perhaps the hardest part of what you do. Basic social skills are easy when some one’s invited you to an event. But what if it’s just you and your computer? Small Business Trends

In-House Social

New trends bring social media in-house. Getting social networking into the hands of collaborative employees is the focus of a new business networking platform called Jive. Follow the link above to learn more. Forbes


It’s a bird, it’s a plane. No, it’s actually Google+, the search engine’s new foray into social media. And Google is really hoping it will make you forget all about a thing called Facebook. But will it?

Google goes social. Here’s a first look at the new Google+ from CNET TV. While the functionalities look pretty cool, it’s a bit early to determine what impact if any this new social tool might have where Facebook is concerned. CNET TV

Business Networking

Why business networking is really about sex. Blogger Martin Lindeskog gives us a preview of a book on the relationship of gender to business marketing. To what degree do these gender issues extend to online social networking? Stay tuned to find out. Ego Sole Trader

Social networking for new business. It’s really not new. Networking is what you do face to face when talking to peope about your product, service or business. Now a new survey suggests many businesses globally are moving into the social


Social networking has worldwide reach. If we can say nothing else about social media, its impact is global. See this post about social networking in South Africa to learn more about its incredible and universal impact today. Marketing Web


Is mobile the new social? There was a time when having a Facebook and Twitter presence were enough. Today, mobile accessibility is vital as well. Social networking and mobile make a powerful combo. Read this link about how your online business can grow with mobile. WebSuccessTeam

Customer Service

10 tips for using Twitter. Not every social media channel needs to bring in new business. Here’s a look at how social media can help maintain relationships with existing customers too. ManagementDirect


Social Media 101. Looking for a primer on the basics of social media channels when managing your social networking efforts? Here’s a video that breaks it down for you. Social media can change your business networking approach. LeapTV

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